
2019 Cherry Creek Arts Festival commemorative poster of drawing created by Jennifer Cavan of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

This piece is a depiction of the High Road between Taos and Santa Fe. This road cuts through many little mountain farming villages and is one of my favorite roads in all of New Mexico. Each time I travel it, I find new inspiration.

After applying red gesso to the panel, I sketch the composition in chalk. Then, using the oil pastels like crayons, I block in all the color before manipulating the oil pastel further with clay shaping tools and rags. The final touches are done with Exacto knives to sharpen certain lines, lift some color and scratch away the fencing.”

“I hope the art reflects the joy I feel when traveling the back roads.” – Jennifer Cavan

Standard 30”x24” $30
Signed, Limited Edition 30”x24” $45
Mini 14”x11” $20

Orders will be shipped within two weeks.