Emilia Ealom, Denver, CO
“I’m passionate about making wares that all can enjoy and how they can play a small role in someone’s daily life. I love the possibilities of clay and how it humbles me; I’m continuously inspired to learn and grow as an artist. There is a beautiful balance between creativity, technique, skill, chemistry, and chance, unique to ceramics. It’s a practice of mindfulness, relinquishing control, and learning to let go. Clay has a life of its own, the dance between nature and elements; earth, air, water, and fire magically coincide to create objects of beauty and utility. I’ve been fortunate to have worked under talented artists in the USA, England, and Costa Rica. As a psychotherapist and ceramic artist, I know the healing power of clay, its methodical nature, and the mindful moments it creates. It fills my mug with joy, inspiration, creativity, a healthy dose of problem-solving, and some disappointments too!” Visit Emilia in booth E2 on Steele St.